The mission of the TSSO is to learn, enjoy, and perform great music, with friends.
We rehearse and perform a broad range of music, ranging from Baroque and Classical, to the mainstream repertoire of the 20th Century. Our repertoire includes: Corelli, Bach, Handel, Telemann, Stanley, Borowski, and Holst.
The TSS Orchestra is back!
First rehearsal, TBC is Thursday, September 13, 2023.
Location is in the Gym which is accessible through the music school from the music school entrance.
A very diverse, enthusiastic, welcoming group of players.
Rehearsals are held weekly on Thursdays, 7:15 to 8:45 pm. Intermediate difficulty, no audition required.
We are a group of about 12 to 15 string players, and have been in existence for 12 years.
The typical performing level is middle intermediate to senior, approximately Gr. 5 to 8 RCM Examination level.